e all try to ‘do our bit’
for the environment
where possible but
when it comes to
business, is the circular
economy yet in force?
‘The circular economy’ refers to the
abandonment of the traditional linear
economy of commerciality; make, use and
dispose; instead, maximising the usage
of resources to increase their value and
then recovering, recycling or regenerating
products at the end of their life.
Procurri, specialists in hardware resale
offering flexible options to buy, sell
or consign data centre equipment,
subscribes to the circular economy and is
one of very few innovators offering such
services within the data centre sector.
While it seems the logical thing to do,
there’s no doubt that the circular economy
is still not the most commonplace solution
for data centres, but it’s growing in
popularity; and once it’s understood what
can be done, it fast becomes a no-brainer
for businesses.
Procurri’s life cycle services for data
centres incorporate many more options
than the industry standard, offering more
opportunity for businesses to enhance their
corporate social responsibility by recycling,
reusing and extending equipment use. The
following unique services offered work to
the benefit of the business, its customers
and the environment.
and legislation are followed, and the
equipment itself is disposed of in as eco-
friendly a way as possible.
Out-of-warranty maintenance
A great deal of unnecessary e-waste
is produced as a result of companies
upgrading their data centre hardware for
no reason other than it is soon to be out of
warranty or no longer supported by their
vendor. While this may cause concern
internally within your firm, there’s no need
to operate unsupported – Procurri offers
global comprehensive support, completely
neutral of vendor, through its team of
product experts deployed across the
globe. What’s more, support is available
24/7 and in multiple languages through a
single touchpoint, and can include parts
planning should it be required for the
installation of new or like-for-like hardware
when needed.
IT asset disposition
ITAD is too often taken lightly and
considered only as an afterthought by
businesses because the equipment they’re
paying to dispose of is simply no longer of
benefit to them.
In reality, disposing of hardware should
only be done with the utmost care
and consideration; ensuring data is
properly and securely cleansed and
removed, relevant legal requirements
By managing ITAD as a full end-to-end
process from verification to the ultimate
disposal and destruction or recycling and
resale of equipment, Procurri is able to
continue the circular economy and not
‘break the loop’ by simply destroying
hardware without any consideration as to
the potential alternatives.
Hardware resale
Procurri offers the ability to sell data
centre hardware as well as to buy it, so
you’re able to gain an income stream from
an otherwise redundant piece of kit. Trade-
in and buy-back programmes work to
allow businesses to generate income from
hardware once it’s no longer of use.
Procurri’s hardware resale portfolio
includes a wide range of enterprise
servers, storage and networking products
from vendors of all shapes and sizes. The
system is popular among those looking to
buy due to its hassle-free global inventory
system – deploying equipment quickly
and easily wherever it’s needed. This
popularity means that we always need to
re-stock, so if your data centre hardware
is at the end of its useful life, but you
think it may be of use to someone else,
get in touch.
Issue 13