Intelligent Data Centres Issue 16 | Page 23

tly Developer Hub: A way for developers to every resource needed to e at the edge rovider of an ud platform, has ed the launch of r Hub, a central ers to easily access need to build secure modern e Fastly Edge oused within the a testing sandbox, ode snippets and ory of structured e materials and y giving developers st innovative ols they need to sformation, the omputing becomes d actionable. veloper Hub is one oper resources said Ron Lipke, ring Manager at Gannett. “The documentation, code snippets and variety of use cases will save our Edge team the cycles required to develop our own configuration examples. In addition, the attention given to the user experience is readily apparent. The improved navigation will allow our Edge development team to discover and implement selfservice solutions much faster. This is a welcome enhancement over Fastly’s already great developer library.” As a company built by and for developers, Fastly understands how critical good documentation and resources are to the developer experience. Time spent searching for undiscoverable materials is time taken away from optimising sites, streamlining processes or executing on great ideas. With this in mind, the Developer Hub is designed with usability and innovation at the forefront. ◊