Presented by Intelligent Education Partner
Who is the Data Centre Fundaments Program for ?
The Data Centre Fundamentals is the perfect program to introduce people to the industry , regardless of their role . It ’ s a fantastic entry program covering all the basic skills , knowledge and understanding of the data centre industry . It ’ s a great starting point for anyone looking to get into the industry as well as technicians with limited experience or exposure to data centre facilities or for anyone who sells products and services to the data centre sector . It ’ s also great for those who already work within the industry but not directly in a technical role . Marketing and operational teams would also benefit significantly from gaining a better overall understanding of the data centre environment and industry .
Is any previous experience needed for the program ?
No previous experience is needed for the Data Centre Fundamentals program , however , some awareness of the data centre industry would be advantageous .
The Data Centre Fundamentals program is available as either a distance learning program or remote attendance program – please can you explain the different learning options ?
I ’ m delighted that we are now able to offer the Data Centre Fundamentals as either an eight-hour video-narrated distance learning program or as a oneday live instructor-led remote attendance program . Learners and organisations have the option to choose which program delivery method best suits their learning style / needs and what best fits around the learner ’ s work / life commitments .
With the distance learning option , learners can work through the narrated video at their own pace and convenience over a three-month period . The eighthour video is fully narrated by CNet ’ s LATAM and Canada Technical Manager and 7 × 24 Exchange International Career
Development Mentor , Melissa Chambal , and allows for self-paced learning so the learners can stop / start the program to fit around their other commitments .
The one-day instructor-led remote attendance program is perfect for learners who prefer instructor-led learning and prefer to complete the learning all in one day . CNet ’ s instructorled remote attendance capability is enjoyed by learners worldwide . It creates a fully interactive learning experience that delivers the same rich quality content that learners would experience in a classroom setting . The Data Centre Fundamentals one-day remote attendance program is available in multiple time zones across the globe .
CNet has been delivering live instructorled remote attendance programs since 2017 through smart rooms where the instructor can see and interact with the learners in the usual way . Remote attendance programs are delivered in the same way a classroom-based program would run , set start and end times each day , break for lunch and constant interaction with the instructor and everyone else on the program . The remote attendance learning experience transports the learner into a learning group environment where they work and learn together in the same way they would in an actual classroom but just from a working environment that best suits their current needs / requirements .
What will learners gain on completing the program ?
On successful completion of the program , learners will gain a comprehensive overview of the data centre sector , the functional requirements of the data centre facilities , the key aspects of data centre infrastructure and management and the facility ’ s relationship to business strategy . Learners will also receive a CNet Certificate and also gain use of the official Data Centre Fundamentals Digital Badge that can be added and shared across social media profiles and CVs to show employees , colleagues , friends , family
Andrew Stevens , CEO , CNet Training
and future employees that the learner has successfully completed the program .
What do you recommend to learners on completing the Data Centre Fundamentals program ?
Following the Data Centre Fundamentals program , learners are encouraged to continue their professional development by advancing their knowledge and skills to gain official certifications and qualifications by progressing through The Global Digital Infrastructure Education Framework which maps education programs to career advancement throughout the data centre and network infrastructure sectors . While the programs flow perfectly from one to another , they are of equal value as stand-alone programs . Learners can enter the framework at any level depending on their level of experience . ◊
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