Use of outside air at lower temperature introduced directly into the data centre server hall can offer large reductions in Power Usage Effectiveness ( PUE ). live environment before cleaning ; the filters should be placed into bags and sealed to prevent any particulate matter becoming airborne . The removing of contaminated filters inside the live data centre should be performed in a controlled and professional manner .
These filter classes have the lowest operating pressure drop for their rated airflow . The Eurovent energy rating for air filters gives an A + rating for the most energy efficient air filters .
Use of Life Cycle costing can confirm the air filter selection with minimum energy use and lowest carbon effect .
For particle filters , best economic filter change can be made when the initial operating pressure drop of the air filter doubles at the given reference fan speed . Air filter pressure drop monitoring is recommended .
Ensure all contaminated air-conditioning filters are correctly removed from the
Wearing of PPE , a mask , glasses , gloves and overalls is of course required .
COVID-19 air filters for air cleaning and standalone filter units
Increasingly , airborne-infectious particles are being seen as the primary route
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