In the event of a disaster , a new caching device can be launched anywhere in minutes to provide data
WHILE TIERING CAN HELP END-USER ORGANISATIONS SAVE MONEY ON STORAGE , IT IS ONLY USEFUL FOR ONE HYBRID CLOUD USE CASE , CAPACITY BURSTING . access instantly while the cache is warmed up in the background . Tiering , on the other hand , only stores cold data in the cloud ; safeguarding local data is outside the purview of tiering and necessitates the use of a separate backup solution .
Caching vs . tiering : Data orchestration
In hybrid cloud deployments , data orchestration is utilised to obtain a consolidated view of data across several clouds employing a single protocol or interface . Consider a company that wishes to display a single view of data that can be read and written from a number of Edge and cloud locations , as well as transport data across them and manage access through a single namespace . This use case is not supported by tiering because only cold data is managed in the cloud . Cloud caching , on the other hand , exposes a global multi-cloud file system that consolidates data from several backend storage clouds and Edge locations into a single namespace that can be accessed from anywhere .
To sum up , caching and tiering are two different approaches to manage data migration across numerous Edge and cloud locations . Tiering keeps live data at the Edge , while stale data is moved to the cloud . In contrast , all data is stored in the cloud and cached at the Edge for quick access via cloud caching . While tiering can help end-user organisations save money on storage , it is only useful for one hybrid cloud use case , capacity bursting .
Caching is a preferable option for hybrid cloud architectures because it supports a wide range of use cases , including Disaster Recovery , compute bursting and data orchestration , in addition to capacity bursting . ◊
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