Intelligent Data Centres Issue 61 | Page 20

existing architecture . Consequently , this will have the positive knock-on effect of delaying the need for new data centres , which come at a great financial and environmental expense – not only to the business involved , but also to the planet .
To realise these benefits , operators must understand that Digital Twins aren ’ t a technology that you can just plug in and play . Their value lies in their ability to precisely mirror the operational activity of their physical counterpart . They need to have seamless access to good-quality data and require strong internal processes , such as having a centralised view . Thankfully , recognition of this is rising , and next year , more of the market will latch on to the concept that the success of Digital Twins relies on strong workflows . As a result , we ’ ll see successful implementation cases significantly increase and Digital Twin technology become a common standard for data centre efficiency in the long term .
LLMs integrating with Digital Twins
Since the release of ChatGPT , companies have been scrambling to implement some form of LLMs into various technological solutions . This is now creeping into the Digital Twin space , whether it ’ s in healthcare , finance , or data centres . Now , with the exponential growth of Digital Twins – a market set to reach US $ 11.12 billion by 2030 – more people will have access to and want to use them . This is why we ’ re likely to see a greater desire to incorporate LLMs into Digital Twin technology , to make them an even more crucial element of workplace decision-making .
LLMs enable operators to ask questions of Digital Twins in a natural way . This is a crucial development as workforces grapple with time constraints , productivity expectations and an increase in the number of people using the technology who are less familiar with it . Companies will , however , need to bear in mind the maturity of LLMs and what ’ s realistically achievable . Employees won ’ t be able to just ask any question tomorrow and expect a valid response . Reaching this outcome will take time , particularly in more complex environments like data centres .
The role of AI in data centres stabilising
Data centres have long been applying AI to various processes , such as ensuring proper temperatures are maintained . However , in 2023 , Generative AI somewhat supercharged companies ’ interest in AI and automation , surprising many with its sophistication . That said , we ’ re likely to see a slight pushback in 2024 , with companies being more selective with the AI opportunities that they pursue .
AI will continue to be used in data centres to help solve smaller problems it has been proven effective at . These include tasks
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