Intelligent Data Centres Issue 61 | Page 3


ello and welcome to the latest edition of


Intelligent Data Centres . On the cover this month is Deborah Andrews , Professor of Design for Sustainability and Circularity at London South Bank University . Along with the rapid sectoral development over previous years , the product life cycle is often neglected to be thought about any further than its end-of-life . Data centre designers in all forms are encouraged to revert back to first principles to reduce the impacts of a linear economy .
Andrews works alongside enterprise projects , like the Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry ( CEDaCI ), colleagues and students to boost collaboration efforts for further innovation . Interdisciplinary work is a key theme she discusses , highlighting the silo-culture some sub-sectors find themselves in . To avoid this , students have been creating projects that go against the grain of educational expectations and find themselves crossing paths with those outside of their industry .
“ We ’ re encouraging students who are in design and engineering courses to work with students on other courses – for instance , marketing – for mutual insights into other professions ,” she says . “ If students have had experience of interdisciplinary projects in education , hopefully they ’ ll carry that into the workplace and be more confident about encouraging cross-sector work in the real world .”
To read more , turn to p50 .
This month ’ s Editor ’ s Question focuses on the UK government ’ s recent plans to introduce tougher security and resilience
measures for data centres to protect against potential disruption , including cyberattacks and extreme weather events . We hear from Steve Jacques , Consulting Engineer at Juniper Networks , and Michael Dugent , IOT Director EMEA , Nozomi Networks , about their thoughts on what these plans mean for data centres and best practice advice for implementing more secure procedures . Head to p31 to find out more .
On page 37 , we look at three pivotal factors set to define the appeal of the sector in the future . Unsurprisingly , AI makes a play for being an integral part of market growth , alongside the crucial impact of education initiatives and the importance of community engagement in shaping the trajectory .
We ’ ll also be in attendance at Data Centre World ( 6 – 7 March ) – if you see any of us from Lynchpin Media , come and say hello !
Ella Hutchinson Deputy Editor


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