Intelligent Data Centres Issue 61 | Page 59

Research shows advanced Edge sustainability solutions can reduce telco operator ’ s energy usage and carbon emissions

To help telco providers navigate sustainability at the Edge , STL Partners has released a new report , Sustainability Insights : Navigating Sustainable Edge Strategies . The report finds that advanced Edge sustainability strategies can reduce telco providers energy usage by 3 – 5 % and one million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent ( tCO 2

eq ) of emissions for a typical large group operator . These strategies , including Precision Liquid Cooling , could save a typical large group telco operator up to US $ 40 million a year in energy costs .
While traditional data centre sustainability has made significant strides , Edge sustainability remains an overlooked concern amid anticipated growth in Edge Computing . More so than in centralised cloud computing , sustainability at the Edge poses its own unique challenges due to varied environments . Tailored , situation-specific strategies become essential for sustainable Edge operations , considering each operator ' s unique infrastructure , environment and resources .
In the report sponsored by Iceotope , STL Partners looks at five subcategories of specialised cooling technologies : Precision Liquid Cooling – Liquid to Air ; Precision Liquid Cooling – Liquid to Liquid ; Tank Immersion ( Single and Two Phase ); Direct to Chip Water Cooling ; and Specialised Hardware – Ruggedised Servers .
Precision Liquid Cooling – Liquid to Air technology – adopted by Iceotope for its KUL RAN solution – ranked highest amongst the cooling technologies , having been found to score well across six of the seven measurement criteria : legacy site reuse , energy use , water consumption , longevity of equipment , limited maintenance and COTS hardware adaptation .
“ With Edge Computing projected to grow to over US $ 450 billion in 2030 , it is critical this growth is developed in as sustainable manner as possible – arguably more so than traditional centralised cloud ,” said Philip Laidler , Director of Consulting , STL Partners .
“ This report examines the multitude of factors that need be considered when defining your Edge sustainability strategy . There is no one-size-fits-all answer and Edge operators must select the optimal advanced sustainability strategy based on their unique context .”
Nathan Blom , Chief Commercial Officer , Iceotope , added : “ As more data moves to the Edge , new challenges for telco providers emerge . Greater sustainability , energy efficiency and serviceability across distributed workloads is needed more than ever before . We designed KUL RAN specifically to reduce power consumption and maintenance costs for telco providers as they bring data-centre class compute to the extreme Far Edge . This report from STL Partners validates that advanced sustainability strategies can be a game changer for the Telco Edge .”
Precision Liquid Cooling efficiently captures nearly 100 % of the heat generated by servers , cutting energy use by up to 40 % and any water consumption by 96 % across the entire telco data centre estate from the cloud to the Edge . This innovative technology allows for greater flexibility of IT solutions by eliminating hotspots , minimising wasted space and reducing water consumption . Compatible with the same rack-based architecture as air cooled systems , it simplifies serviceability in both data centres and Edge locations . �
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