Intelligent Data Centres Issue 61 | Page 61


Delta optimises mobile data centre for Eurofiber

Fast internet connectivity and stable networking are vital for a successful Digital Transformation . Eurofiber , a leading B2B technology specialist , runs a fibre network that is currently more than 70,500km long and growing by 50km every week . The company with over 600 employees is headquartered in the Netherlands and offers its customers ultra-modern infrastructure to drive forward digitalisation in business and society .

Mobile amplifiers throughout the fibre optic network
To ensure that the mighty pace of expansion of its network does not come at the expense of connection speeds , Eurofiber uses inline amplifiers ( ILAs ). These are placed roughly every 75km throughout the network and amplify the signal on the fibre . Among the technical solutions Eurofiber uses for its ILAs are Xubus Nodes from Delta . These turnkey , modular data centres are characterised by high performance and , above all , mobility . They are housed in various sizes of standardised containers , allowing them to be quickly and easily deployed to locations that do not yet have fully developed infrastructure but nonetheless require computing power . The Xubus Nodes come in five different configurations based on the IT workload and are also used in the expansion of 5G networks .
Tailored ILA design in record time
Eurofiber had its first , very positive , experience of using two Delta Xubus Nodes for a project back in mid-2022 . To further expands its operations , the company required additional
ILAs . However , the fibre network specialist did not want to use standardised Xubus Nodes . Instead , it asked Delta to develop a custom design focused on the lowest possible operating costs . In a short window , the technical pre-sales team completely redesigned the system in line with the requirements , while the supply chain management team set about procuring the components needed .
Higher cost efficiency made easy
Thanks to its full-on commitment , Delta succeeded in supplying Eurofiber with two newly designed ILAs that delivered the desired efficiency improvements within the ambitious deadline .
To permanently reduce operating costs , the newly customconfigured Xubus Nodes feature a number of differences compared with the off-the-shelf models . Cutting the power requirements down to size , the new ILAs use Delta DHP UPS modules in a N + 4 configuration with a nominal rating of 30kW , replacing the original two 75kW UPS modules .
The number of IT racks was also slashed in line with the customer ’ s requirements , from 13 to four . In addition , Delta swapped out its standard in-row cooling system for an energy efficient R32-based ceiling cooling system to minimise the power consumption . Fire protection has also been adapted according to Eurofiber ’ s requests . Since there is no staff working on site , the fire suppression system has been replaced by a normal fire alarm and a camera-based surveillance system that can be monitored remotely . �
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