Intelligent Data Centres Issue 61 | Page 69

What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry ? impact of data centres given their massive energy consumption . Concepts like Power Capacity Effectiveness ( PCE ) have become top of mind . Many operators are pursuing renewable energy sources and innovative cooling methods to reduce their carbon footprint . Plus , sustainability is becoming a competitive differentiator – customers want assurances that their cloud and colocation providers are environmentally responsible .
So , while Edge Computing , IoT , cybersecurity and other trends certainly get a lot of attention , I believe sustainability and energy efficiency are the most urgent talking points right now in the sector . Given rising energy demands and costs , it ' s crucial that we innovate to make our facilities as green as possible . The industry ' s license to grow depends on how successfully we can become environmental stewards .
How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office ?
With the fast-paced demands of the tech industry , I ' ve learned some key strategies for dealing with stress and staying balanced :
• I start by getting centred through mindfulness techniques like meditation or going for a walk in nature . This helps calm my mind .
• Physical activity is huge for me . I unwind by snowboarding , cycling , or getting in a good workout at the gym .
• Nothing beats spending quality time with my family . Seeing my children grow and thrive brings me so much joy and perspective .
• I prioritise learning , whether it ' s reading a good book or listening to an inspiring podcast . Keeping my mind active on other topics takes it off work .
• Limiting news intake is important . The 24 / 7 media cycle can get overwhelming .
• I try to get adequate sleep each night to let my mind and body recharge .
The tech industry will always be demanding , but by proactively managing stress , I can show up at my best each day , both at work and at home . Self-care isn ' t selfish – it ' s essential .
In my view , the major areas of investment in the data centre industry right now are sustainability , Edge infrastructure and talent development . Sustainability is commanding huge investment as operators work to meet emissions reductions goals and improve energy efficiency . Edge data centres are requiring massive capital outlays as content and applications migrate closer to users . Localised micro data centres at cell towers , retail spaces etc ., will be critical . Huge investment is going into this distributed infrastructure . Finally , talent development can ' t be overlooked . We need to invest in training programmes , partnerships with colleges / vocational schools and promoting our industry to build the workforce of the future . Rethinking job roles and using technology to assist where possible is key .
What are the region-specific challenges you encounter in your role ?
In navigating the unique challenges specific to each region in my role , I draw inspiration from the lessons of history and the trailblazing efforts of tech pioneers . I firmly believe that limits and challenges are not roadblocks but rather opportunities to be conquered . In facing these region-specific challenges , I always choose the path of determination over limitations and excuses . Embracing a mindset of relentlessness in both strategy and execution allows me to confront and overcome obstacles with resilience .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the coming months ?
Over the past year , I ' ve seen my role evolve from being heavily operations-focused to taking on more strategic initiatives around sustainability and industry collaboration .
With our company ' s commitments to drastically reduce emissions , I ' ve become a key evangelist for our sustainability programmes both internally and externally . I now play a bigger part in driving industry standards forward and fostering collaboration across the ecosystem . I actively participate in organisations like iMasons , the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact and the Open Compute Project .
It ' s exciting to see my role become more future-facing and targeted on moving our industry forward collectively . While I remain dedicated to operational excellence , I welcome the opportunity to tackle higher-level challenges related to sustainability and propelling data centre innovation into its next chapter . �
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