Intelligent Data Centres Issue 62 | Page 7

By Alix Pressley Head of Strategic Content
We take a look at this month ’ s biggest talking point for data centre leaders .


he month of March

T marks the start of Spring , a period of growth and new beginnings , which is why it ’ s poignant that the annual Data Centre World ( DCW ) event falls during this time . Across the board , data centre leaders attend the show to discuss new initiatives , developments and trends , breaking new ground and connecting with new potential customers and partners .

Each year we attend as a company , catching up with leaders in the field to hear all about their growth trajectories and how they plan to continue digitally developing . This year , we aimed to have conversations with data centre companies who we haven ’ t previously heard from – complying with the theme of new beginnings .
The in-person element of such discussions allows for free-flowing conversations , the opportunity to explore new angles which may not have been possible via Zoom , as well as taking a more personable and human approach . We invite speakers to have a chat with us about their passion projects as well as hot topics in the data centre space such as how organisations are helping to build a more sustainable and electrified world , strategies for managing innovation , future roadmaps and how they will continue building the data centres of tomorrow .
What we learned is that AI is integral both now and in the months and years to come , and organisations are adapting their approaches to ensure this technology plays a starring role in their approach to Digital Transformation . On the whole , we had a very successful show hearing about how data centre companies are revolutionising and reshaping the future of digital services in the data centre space . Success for us is measured on our ability to shine a spotlight on interesting initiatives as well as innovative breakthroughs and we feel we accomplished just that . We look forward to experiencing what next year ’ s event has in store ! �
Scan / tap below to watch the interviews .
One company we spoke to was Lumai , an Oxford University spin-out solving the challenge of how to meet ever-increasing AI data centre performance demand while minimising energy consumption . We had an interesting chat with their Head of Product about the company ’ s development of an AI processor for the data centre which is using light to enable it to be more energy efficient . It ’ s initiatives such as these we ’ re excited to hear about .
Another company we spoke to for the first time was ZutaCore who showcased its HyperCool waterless liquid cooling ASUS servers inside Chatsworth Products ’ ( CPI ) ZetaFrame cabinet system . This technology has supposedly become a key requirement around sustainable AI with HyperCool ’ s ability to cool up to and beyond 1,500W processors and its heat reuse capabilities . The company also claims to be the only two-phase waterless direct-to-chip solution with inproduction deployments today .
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