Intelligent Data Centres Issue 63 | Page 27

I N D U S T R Y I N T E L L I G E N C E most impenetrable vault is useless if the data inside cannot be efficiently recovered when needed . The best options ensure both immutable storage to prevent tampering as well as rapid , reliable recovery .
It ’ s also crucial to recognise that choosing between hosting a vault in-house or on the cloud isn ’ t a binary decision . Every organisation has distinct needs and limitations , and decisions regarding investment should be guided by specific scenarios . For instance , in cases where the focus is on cyberrecovery , the capabilities of on-premises vaults are unmatched .
In situations where immediate threat detection , like that of ransomware , is vital , the performance and adaptability of on-premises vaults are also particularly effective . These systems enable organisations to swiftly revert systems and data to a state just before the attack , an essential capability ideally suited to on-premises solutions .
Factors such as Recovery Time Objectives ( RTOs ) and Recovery Point Objectives ( RPOs ) are also crucial in evaluating the data recovery efficiency of vault technologies or services . These metrics are vital , as the repercussions of prolonged downtime extend beyond financial losses to include reduced productivity , reputational damage and potential long-term erosion of trust . Strong RTOs and RPOs empower organisations with choices during a ransomware attack , offering effective and minimally disruptive recovery options .
The ideal data vault blends immutable storage with efficient recovery rather than treating them as isolated objectives , with purpose-built solutions enable rapid restoration from isolated vaults to production systems . This best-ofboth-worlds approach future-proofs
Chris Rogers , Senior Technology Evangelist at Zerto , a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
organisations against intensifying cyberthreats without sacrificing accessibility or continuity .
For IT teams , often working with limited resources and budgets , access to efficient data vault-based recovery tools can be a game-changer . In heading in this direction , decision-makers should weigh their options based on their specific context , recognising that there is no universally right or wrong choice . While in-house solutions excel in cyber-recovery , cloud services offer convenience . �
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