Intelligent Data Centres Issue 63 | Page 53

E N D - U S E R I N S I G H T lower latency and more reliable services to consumers in those regions . With many of its clients operating European networks , Telehouse provides a hub for clients wishing to interconnect in London with their core networks . WIOCC is currently utilising 13 racks in Telehouse North Two , North , East and West .
“ Telehouse is one of the select few hubs we use in London , and it ’ s become a very important part of our network . All the data centres we use in London are interconnected with our own dark fibre , so we can carry traffic to wherever our clients need to connect . A number of our clients are already located in Telehouse data centres , so it made complete sense for us to be part of that hub to better service them ,” said Jason Tutty , VP , OATS ( Open Access Technical Services ), WIOCC .
The results
By extending its Equiano cable investment into Telehouse , WIOCC can offer its clients high-scale , high-quality and high-speed connections between London , Nigeria and South Africa . The cable itself brings connectivity of over 150 terabits , 10x the size of any cable deployed into Africa previously . By 2025 , internet speeds in Nigeria are projected to increase by 5x and to almost triple in South Africa due to Equiano .
In terms of WIOCC ’ s operations , Telehouse ’ s extensive physical security measures , including perimeter fencing , CCTV and biometric access requirements , deliver high levels of reassurance for both internal operations and WIOCC clients , providing peaceof-mind that clients ’ networks are safe . Engineers need regular access to equipment to ensure optimum uptime for clients , so Telehouse has accommodated such requirements to allow flexible task completion . The success of the partnership to date means that the organisation is planning further increases in rack capacity in the near future .
For more insight into the collaboration , we speak to Jason Tutty , VP , OATS ( Open Access Technical Services ), WIOCC .
Why was it important for WIOCC to establish itself as a dependable provider of network infrastructure in the African region ?
WIOCC Group is Africa ’ s leading provider of comprehensive , integrated core digital infrastructure solutions and managed network services for the world ’ s leading hyperscalers , content providers and telcos . As such , it is critical that it can meet both the current and anticipated future network infrastructure demands of its existing and target client base , with very high levels of reliability a key need .
How has the collaboration with Telehouse improved end-user experiences , particularly in terms of connectivity and speed within Africa , and how does this contribute to economic growth in underserved regions ?
Our wholesale client base demands that we connect with them at their chosen locations , including Telehouse , offer them the most direct connectivity between there and key locations in Africa – which we can do through termination of our Equiano cable capacity there – and deliver reliability over multiple routes wherever they require it . Telehouse is one of our key partners in meeting these requirements .
What challenges were encountered from the implementation process with Telehouse , and what strategies were employed to overcome them to ensure success ?
Challenges in implementation have been minimal . Telehouse has been a long-term partner of WIOCC in London , and we have grown our network in tandem with Telehouse ’ s growth at the Docklands site . We have added colocation in each of the new buildings as they have become
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