Intelligent Data Centres Issue 63 | Page 72


From the pillars of career development to the best approach for apprentices and graduates acquiring diverse experiences , Mark Yeeles , Vice President , Secure Power Division at Schneider Electric , UK and Ireland , outlines how Schneider Electric is empowering people to have greater opportunities and gain invaluable onthe-job experience across a number of different sectors .

cCan you explain how Schneider Electric ’ s apprenticeship programme helps people ’ s careers compared to going to university ?

Through my own experience as an apprentice-trained engineer in the industrial sector , I know first-hand the incredible value and fresh ideas that apprentices can bring to an organisation , and at Schneider Electric , we offer apprenticeships , internships and graduate programmes to help us innovate and build a greener , more sustainable future .
We have a fantastic apprenticeship programme that offers invaluable on-the-job experience and training whilst you earn . It provides opportunities for continuous learning and development and encourages individuals to step outside of their comfort zone whilst shaping their future career .
All the different routes and types of apprenticeships we have , give people a springboard experience which perhaps those going to university may not get in the early part of their career ; I think this is the biggest benefit of all to both them and us .
The Schneider Electric Early Years Scheme appears to place significant emphasis on both apprentices and graduates acquiring diverse experiences . How do these experiences contribute to career development , particularly within an industry as swiftly evolving as yours ?
When I think about Schneider Electric , I think about the technologies being launched into the market , the market itself and the pace in which it grows , and we are often at the forefront of all of those aspects of the ecosystem .
Due to the pace of the industry , I believe it is right to place equal importance on both as by placing emphasis on the apprenticeship and graduate programmes allows us to embrace varied perspectives and expertise in our early career positions .
Whichever pathway people are on , the experiences you gain in the early part of your career will help shape and influence individuals ’ views . For us it is about teaching and educating the candidates and listening to their different views . By doing this it means we can holistically address bigger issues because we have diversity in our innovations .
The pathways are important and offer young people the chance to work across a multitude of areas – renewables , infrastructure , construction , engineering , sales and marketing , among others – and to proactively help us build a greener and more digital future .
Reflecting on your personal journey at Perkins Engines Company Limited , which specific aspects of apprenticeships do you believe contribute most significantly to career advancement and how does this align with Schneider Electric ’ s approach ?
I ’ ve always had a desire to learn , try new things and challenge myself . This has been integral to every role I ’ ve accepted starting where my journey began as a 16-year-old apprentice at Perkins Engines . For me the greatest opportunity I received when I was at Perkins was the opportunity to ‘ grow up fast ’ – the whole experience helped shape me as a person and individual in my career . I was lucky enough to meet some amazing tutors who inspired me with their passion and curiosity for knowledge and thinking differently . Importantly , my apprenticeship taught me what I do want and what I don ’ t , which I have taken through my career .
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