Intelligent Data Centres Issue 64 | Page 7

By Alix Pressley Head of Strategic Content
We take a look at this month ’ s biggest talking point for data centre leaders .


ur previous instalment

O of ‘ Hot Topic ’ sparked the attention of many women ( and men ) across the data centre industry , with the level of interest proving just how relevant this subject still is and how far the gender gap is standing in the way of collaboration .

In an industry which is so fascinating in terms of its technological and innovative capabilities , like many , I am compelled to understand more about the inner workings of data centres as the beating heart of life as we know it . However , the gender divide must be confronted and female representation heightened if we are to keep the wheels turning . Women are by no means new to this field and it is crucial they are recognised as an integral component of its success as well as being positioned on an even playing field to their male counterparts .
While there is an abundance of seemingly negative experiences for women in such a male-dominated field , it is important to shine a light on some of the more positive aspects . Amber Villegas-Williamson , Senior Technical Consultant , Course Instructor at Uptime Institute , tells us about her personal experience .
Amber Villegas-Williamson , Senior Technical Consultant , Course Instructor at Uptime Institute
Whilst there are always those occasional ‘ bad apples ’, I have noticed a shift towards inclusivity and especially youth engagement . Industry events are ever increasingly featuring young people and women ’ s voices at the forefront , leading presentations , panels and receiving industry peer recognition . Moreover , there ’ s a concerted effort all round to generally empower women , encouraging them to pursue opportunities they may have once hesitated to seize .
While women have always been integral to the data centre sphere , there ’ s a palpable uptick in our professional visibility and influence , as we intersect with one another professionally more frequently than ever before .
These developments mark a promising trajectory towards a more diverse and equitable landscape within the industry .
Amy Young , Sales Director , Custodian Data Centres , suggests where she thinks the industry is heading as well as advising how women can become more integrated .
The data centre industry is entering an exciting new era focused on sustainability , efficiency and innovation . With emerging technologies like Edge Computing and AI transforming operations , data centres are becoming smarter , greener and more agile . However , the full potential of this transformation can only be realised if women take on more prominent roles driving progress . Ascending into executive and board roles , female leaders can ensure sustainability , inclusion and community outreach remain top priorities amid rapid growth . Just as importantly , women can serve as role models and mentors , inspiring younger generations to pursue STEM education and careers . If more women actively engage in advocating for diversity and speaking out against bias , they will open doors for
Amy Young , Sales Director , Custodian Data Centres
themselves and those that follow . With expanded female participation , the data centre industry will draw from 100 % of the talent pool , enabling new heights of innovation . It ’ s time for women to lead the data centre sector towards an equitable , progressive future , leveraging their strengths and supporting each other along the way .
The data centre industry cannot be seen to be dimming the light of these capable women , but rather shining a light on their enormous potential .
Due to the interest in this subject , we will be hosting a virtual roundtable event for women in data centres at the end of the month . If you would like to find out more , please don ’ t hesitate to contact me : alix @ lynchpinmedia . com �
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