Intelligent Data Centres Issue 65 | Page 48

proactively without the need for human intervention , reducing the opportunity for human error . At the same time , AI ’ s intuitive and self-learning nature enables the accurate detection of Zero Day threats . It ’ s a no-brainer that data centre operators should invest in it to protect employees , clients and data .
Your data centre is your castle
A true cybersecurity posture requires hardware and software solutions to be working in tandem .
Think of it like a castle . Hardware solutions are similar to a castle ’ s stone walls , drawbridges and reinforced gates . These physical defences surround the key assets – the monarch and the people – providing robust and immediate protection against attacks . While software solutions are like a castle ’ s guards , standing watch . Like software-based cybersecurity , guards only react to threats when they see them – in some instances , completely missing well-hidden attackers .
However , no castle would rely solely on its guards or solely on its walls . Together , they create a comprehensive defence system . Similarly , in cybersecurity , combining hardware and software solutions creates a multi-layered defence that ensures the strongest possible protection against cyberthreats .
Instantly detect threats and recover any data loss
Reactive solutions no longer cut it when it comes to detecting threats and recovering lost data . Backups for recovery purposes require constant upkeep , and in some instances can also be corrupted or lost . With the average cost of downtime following a data breach amounting to millions , data centre operators must step up their game . This means making use of solutions that monitor memory and data transfer communications to not only provide Zero Day threat detection but also ensure fast response and recovery .
Through the use of advanced AI algorithms that monitor data communications at the hardware level , real-time data replication can be achieved . This provides an essential layer of protection in the event of a data breach , enabling rapid system reversion and data recovery for Business Continuity .
The cyber landscape is rapidly changing , and cybercriminals are becoming smarter with their attacks . Data centres are crucial to the smooth running of critical workflows and hold an enormous amount of data that hackers have their eyes on . To fully protect against all cyberthreats , data centres must adopt a holistic approach that encompasses both software- and hardware-based cybersecurity solutions . If they don ’ t , they ’ re leaving the drawbridge down to unguarded data . �
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