Intelligent Data Centres Issue 07 | Page 17

DATA CENTRE PREDICTIONS WHY BUSINESSES NEED TO LOVE DATA STORAGE As the volume of data produced globally looks set to explode, it’s important that due consideration is given to methods of storage to ensure that organisations are future-proofed. David Friend, CEO and co-founder of Wasabi Technologies, talks us through his views on data storage and the future of the ‘bottomless cloud’. D ata is at the very heart of contemporary enterprise, particularly when it comes to Big Tech i.e. Facebook, Google, Amazon. Even manufacturers that produce and distribute physical goods, such as Unilever, could not exist without a huge amount of data. The consumer goods giant has established 27 data centres to date across the world that deliver insights that drive logistics, marketing and product development. What’s important to note is the astonishing rate at which new data points are being created and cloud-based storage is growing. It’s estimated that by 2035 we will have access to over one yottabyte of data – to put that into context, that is more than the number of visible stars in the universe. This is not happening in a vacuum either – our ability to effectively generate and store content may become fundamental Issue 07 17