Intelligent Data Centres Issue 55 | Page 22

VANTAGE USED A THIRD PARTY TO CONDUCT A MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT THAT SURVEYED CUSTOMERS , INVESTORS , EMPLOYEES , UTILITY PROVIDERS , COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ABOUT THEIR TOP ESG PRIORITIES . its existing Women ’ s Leadership Forum , to offer communities where employees who share a common identity or interest can connect and find support .
VANTAGE USED A THIRD PARTY TO CONDUCT A MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT THAT SURVEYED CUSTOMERS , INVESTORS , EMPLOYEES , UTILITY PROVIDERS , COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ABOUT THEIR TOP ESG PRIORITIES . its existing Women ’ s Leadership Forum , to offer communities where employees who share a common identity or interest can connect and find support .
• Fostering the next generation of leaders : Vantage introduced a new Mentor Program with support from its Justice , Equity , Diversity and Inclusion ( JEDI ) Council to enable senior leaders to mentor junior team members . In addition , the voluntary JEDI Council grew by 85 %, serving as a testament to the importance of DE & I initiatives .
• Giving back : Vantage is dedicated to supporting the communities in which it operates . Throughout the year , Vantage and its employees engaged with its local communities through service events , donating financial support to earthquake relief for Syria and Turkey and partnering with AFCOM to offer an intern programme .
Ethical governance
• Proactive governance and risk protections : To gain a deeper understanding of the risks associated with vendors , Vantage launched a third-party risk management ( TPRM ) programme . Coupled with Vantage ’ s Executive Risk Council ( ERC ), which meets quarterly to identify potential risks and opportunities across five key functions critical to its strategic business goals , Vantage is making risk assessment and management a global priority .
• Global public policy : With differing laws , regulations and policies impacting energy , sustainability , land ownership , zoning , design aesthetics and taxes , public policy is critical to ensure optimal business outcomes . Last year , Vantage established a new public policy team and companywide steering committee to advance the company ’ s development goals and lead community engagements .
• Prioritising safety : With nearly four times as many construction hours logged in 2022 compared to 2021 , Vantage lowered its Total Recordable Incident Rate ( TRIR ) from . 31 to . 28 . The company also doubled down on its commitment to safety , launching its Vision Zero programme . The ‘ zero ’ in Vision Zero is the quest for ultimate safety on the job : zero incidents . �
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