Intelligent Data Centres Issue 55 | Page 23


Orchestrating data for a secure world

Complex data environments have encouraged as much Digital Transformation as they have opportunities for bad actors to exploit weak security . Molly Presley , Senior Vice President of Marketing , Hammerspace , offers advice on best practices for organisations to protect sensitive information and highlights the importance of data officers .

As organisations embrace Digital Transformation , they become more reliant on data for core operations . Ensuring the security of digital assets and data becomes integral to maintaining Business Continuity . In response to these trends , organisations are placing a higher emphasis on data security and privacy . Data officers and security teams are collaborating closely to implement robust security measures , ensure data encryption , establish access controls , conduct regular security audits and train employees on data security best practices . This increased focus on data security reflects the growing recognition of data ' s importance and the need to manage , protect and leverage data assets effectively in today ' s interconnected , distributed and dataintensive business landscape .

Data officers play key role
The rise of data officers , particularly Chief Data Officers ( CDOs ), has been closely intertwined with the increasing importance of data security within organisations . Many organisations have been plagued by copies of data leaking outside the organisation or not being protected properly across different servers , storage and cloud systems . The challenge of ensuring all of an organisation ’ s data is managed , protected
Molly Presley , Senior Vice President of Marketing , Hammerspace
and archived according to compliance , ransomware protection and Disaster Recovery requirements is a daunting task .
The role of the data officer is expanding as organisations are paying more attention to storage , backup and data security to prevent data leaks . The data officer has become increasingly important in designing IT architectures that provide an audit trail that includes assurances on the handling of data copies as well as policies that ensure all global data is secured and protected properly .
Managing the security of unstructured data
Unstructured data has been relentlessly growing by more than 20 % per year for www . intelligentdatacentres . com