Intelligent Data Centres Issue 55 | Page 49

Jon Pettitt , Chief Executive Officer of Excool


Jon Pettitt , CEO of Excool , delves into the pivotal trends shaping the data centre industry and sheds light on the role of Excool ' s innovations in ensuring efficient cooling of data centre operations ahead of Data Centre World Asia in Singapore .

tTell us about the trajectory of your career up to this point . Have there been pivotal moments that stand out , influencing the course of your journey and contributing to who you are ?

I am a Mechanical Engineer by trade . In the early stages of my career , during the 1990s , I found myself at York International , where I was engaged in the design and oversight of substantial chiller installations . This period coincided with the emergence of data centres as a significant industry , capturing my interest due to the unique challenges they posed .
At that time , we were tasked with air-conditioning vast buildings that housed nothing but servers . The focus was on maintaining extremely low temperatures within these spaces , around 18 degrees centigrade . It dawned on me then that the energy requirements for these structures would be monumental , and this sparked my curiosity about finding innovative cooling solutions that wouldn ' t rely on energy-hungry equipment HVAC systems .
This marked a pivotal juncture for the industry . Instead of viewing data centres through the lens of traditional commercial buildings , there was a paradigm shift toward understanding data centres in terms of their core function . My transition from York to Munters was marked by a commitment to education , advocating for energy efficiency and exploring unconventional cooling approaches that aligned with ASHRAE TC www . intelligentdatacentres . com