Intelligent Data Centres Issue 55 | Page 50

9.9 guidelines , which endorsed higher operating temperatures for data centres .
Now , with over two decades immersed in the data centre industry , my journey has led me to Excool , where I currently serve as CEO . Despite the passage of time , my fascination with this industry has not waned ; it remains as strong as ever .
Why are events paramount within the data centre industry and what role do they play in the advancement of data centre innovation ?
Events and exhibitions hold a significant place in the data centre industry ' s landscape . Personally , I established a principle that whenever our company participated in exhibitions , it was crucial to incorporate an educational presentation . Our intention extended beyond merely spotlighting our product technology ; it encompassed the essential message of energy efficiency ' s paramount role within data centres . This commitment led me to traverse the globe , engaging in exhibitions for over a decade .
There was a phase during which we scaled back our involvement in industry events due to escalating costs . Our participation dwindled from 12 events annually to a focus on four key events . However , I ' m pleased to note that costs have since stabilised , and at Excool , we actively engage in more than 10 events each year worldwide . My approach remains steadfast – seeking a platform to disseminate insights , not solely centred around Excool ' s accomplishments , but spanning broader subjects such as data centre cooling , infrastructure and energy management .
Given the industry ' s rapid pace , a constant state of vigilance is essential and innovation is paramount . The need to think progressively and adapt persistently is imperative . Industry events provide the ideal stage for showcasing both the industry ' s evolution and its unchanging aspects , serving as a reminder to challenge conventional norms and envision beyond the status quo .
What is the most efficient cooling system for a data centre and what are the main components every data centre infrastructure should have ?
Addressing the question of optimal data centre cooling is indeed tricky , with solutions varying according to factors like geographical location , facility type ( hyper-scale or colocation ) and specific client requirements . To illustrate , the cooling demands and challenges in Oslo would starkly contrast those of an organisation situated in Singapore . With over a decade of involvement in data centre cooling , I ' ve witnessed the evolution firsthand .
In the past , Indirect Evaporative Cooling demanded significant water consumption , presenting a substantial challenge . However , today ' s advancements and reimagined designs have led to highly efficient utilisation , requiring only a fraction of the previous water volume .
We ' ve essentially transitioned from using what I describe as a swimming pool ' s worth of water to mere buckets , while maintaining , if not surpassing , comparable efficiency levels .
Consideration for water-scarce regions has prompted the need for reliability through non-water-dependent alternatives . Reliability , therefore , emerges as a pivotal factor in every data centre ' s infrastructure planning . This highlights the lack of a one-size-fits-all solution for diverse organisations .
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